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“MA Creation Habitat” company is an active platform with architectural core. The firm is not just about architectural projects but also design in other contexts.

Most of MA’s activities are held within 3 categories of architecture, design & research.

The firm concerns more than just architecture; in this platform it is being tried to use crowd wisdom to offer solutions for a subject of design. It has been trying to develop contemporary and innovative approaches based on logic and scientific facts.

Above aesthetic and technical issues; the most outstanding approach of this platform is to use technological possibilities (computer fabrication methods) to industrialize & optimize architectural and product design in form of worldwide services and customer customization.

This is to bring design to everywhere with minimum energy and effort and use that energy to develop this movement.

Our aim in this organization is to dream, study, research, design, dare, create and share the results of this crowd activity as open source files and data. This approach is to reduce and prevent the consequences of client-designer-producer communication. “MA” struggles to create a movement in order to help everyone, everywhere using high quality designs directly and helping back by developing it via design proposals and innovative suggestions. This will speed up design language and quality of projects while engaging creative & skilled people. The aim is to celebrate the design itself more than the cast & crew! Therefore; MA is functioning under the name of; meaning made by us. Regarding to that, we invite everyone to trust us with their work to develop the quality-intelligence of the designed products/projects with the ability of prototyping either virtual or actual.


Ali Zolfaghari

CEO & Founder


Hosein Maghami

Chief of Parametric Design & Digital Fabrication

Reyhaneh Roozmand

Reyhaneh Roozmand

Interior Designer & Architect


Majid Kazempour

Project Manager

Hedieh Parvaneh

Hedieh Parvaneh

Chief Design Officer


Hooman Jalali

Technical Manager


Nasim Dorostkar

Designer & Architectural Consultant

Mina Asgarzadeh

Mina Asgarzadeh

Interior Designer & Architect

Hadis Rafiee

Hadis Rafiee

Interior Designer & Architect

Farideh Asgari

Farideh Asgari

Computational Designer